Living Life As...

The Simmons Six

Saturday, January 12, 2008

And so it begins...

When I think of family, I remember a day back when I wasn’t much older than 5. It snowed in Philly, schools closed and the energy in the household electric with vigorous play. My brother set up those flimsy blue matchbox racetracks and we each selected from his assortment of hot rods. We released the cars down the tracks draped on the sofa. We watched each racer careen down the track thumping into parked cars; giggling at the splash of metal. Mom made us hot chocolate while Dad officiated our contest. Family.

A connection between a series of individuals linking them as similar, as together, as one. Family holds core values together. It shares, grows and accepts. It loves.

Megan and I began our family with a couple of rings and a Boston Terrier back in 2005. Raised in Northeast Philadelphia, we both believed in the value of commitment and the value of unconditional family love. Aspen (the terrier) gave us the ability to begin our family. A love that accepts newness and evolves into a new being, stronger and with more love to give.

When little Braeden Pablo’s spiky disheveled head popped up on our computer screen, our family evolved through the marvel of adoption. A little Guatemalan bundle of blessings found his way from Chiquimula into our world in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Every roadblock that came through that adoption process could not deter the magnetic value of family. Braeden was our spiky haired son from the first moment his little 4x6 picture popped up on the screen. Braeden came home later that year and was showered with love from Grandmoms and Granpops. Aunts and Uncles, cousins, friends and mommy and daddy all showered the new family member with the unconditional love of family. We evolved.

Over the last year or so since Braeden has been home, we have had our triumphs and moments of weakness like any family. We are all part of the human family and to be human is to struggle at some point. We have had more ups than downs. We have had more joys than pains and in the end, love always gets you through the hard times. Family.

The time has come for us to grow. We choose Ethiopia. The children choose us. When we set out to find a little girl, fate set out to bring us a pair of twin girls and a little boy. When we saw the 4 x 6 pictures of these three pairs of wide eyed, silly smiles we knew that family was about evolving. Fate doesn’t often give you choices, just feelings. Trust me when I tell you that this feels right. On January 3, 2008, Megan and I agreed to let fate bring her beautiful bounty into our home. We accepted the referral for these three angels.

We hope you will follow our journey to becoming a family of SIX!!


At January 13, 2008 at 6:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to be part of the journey! We are all rooting for you guys!

At January 13, 2008 at 8:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Meagan...this is are you girl?????? Looks like we have soooo much to catch up on!!!!! we have adopted our son now, he is 3 months old and he is great!!! check out the blog that i just started and let's chat....

At January 13, 2008 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! Back in High School I always knew that Shawn would put a change in this world, But WOW! 4 children all calling this silly guy daddy! Look out! Shawn and Meagan I wish you all the hope in the world! I am so happy for you! Always remember that you are good people and the world is a better place because of people like you!

At January 14, 2008 at 5:52 PM , Blogger A Team said...

I just wanted to come and say CONGRATS to you all. I saw your post on the list serve... What a precious family you have and HOW MUCH MORE PRECIOUSNESS will be joining you!
Our son is at Hannah's Hope right now as well. We hope to travel soon to get him...

SO EXCITED and can't wait to see yoru journey continue.

Tracie in TN

At January 14, 2008 at 8:57 PM , Blogger The Redman's said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I have pictures of your girls! I held them. Tried new shoes on them. They had just come to HH and were VERY shy!!! I'm not sure if I have pics of your son as well. I will check. My email is

I'm SOOOO happy for your family. I think of your 3 often.... praying a family would bring them home.

-Suzi Redman

At January 14, 2008 at 10:32 PM , Blogger Teabo Chica said...

I was there the day the came into HH, we were involved in setting up there rooms and there beds, I will never forget becasue Almaz made Jen and I do there beds over and over again, she didnt like to color of the sheets, or she wanted them tucked in better, she wanted it so perfect for them. Then they arrived and it was love all over them! I have tears in my eyes just thinking of them. you can email me at So wonderful!

At January 15, 2008 at 8:33 PM , Blogger I WOULD GATHER CHILDREN said...

Hi there, I'm the Jen that Natalie just talked about! These three are so precious and sweet! This is all so exciting and I must admit I wish they were coming to my house!
jen in MI

At January 16, 2008 at 1:38 PM , Blogger Michael and Michelle said...

Congrats!!!!! That is so great! I saw your email on list serve and I'm so excited for you family. Bringing 3 little ones home, how fun!!!


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