Living Life As...

The Simmons Six

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


O.k. I admit it...I have been seeing these tags on people's blogs and I thought...No one has tagged me...Sad and silly, I know.

Well, Guess what!! I got tagged by the wonderful, Amylynn!!
Who, has the FUNNIEST video of her son who happens to have the greatest name in the world!!

So here goes:

Seven STRANGE things about me:
1. I sing ALOT! I cannot sing, but I still do...ALOT.
2. I like to clean..ALOT. I will find ANY crumb in my house and clean it. I will make my bed while my husband is in it. I will close his closet door before he finishes getting his clothes out.
3. I panic but you would never know it. I have spoken publicly since I was little and people always think I am NEVER nervous, but secretly I AM!!
4. I wear a Halloween t-shirt and socks to bed (that match)at least once a week because they are cozy.
5. I LOVE ice water. I must have it AT LEAST four times a day or I have serious withdrawal. In Guatemala, I risked serious tummy issues for MY ICE!
6. I listen to Laurie Berkner (from Noggin) when Braeden is not in the car. And sing. See above.
7. I open my e-mail in two windows in case one fails to pick up a new message. Yes, only during the adoption process.

Seven things I am passionate about:
1. Adoption. I am IN LOVE with building families through adoption.
2. is EVERYTHING to me.
3. Loyalty
4. Guatemala and Ethiopia!! I love these places!!
5. Education...two teachers, need I say more.
6. Pretty fragrances...I am obsessed with smelling pretty!
7. Chex Mix...seriously.


At February 8, 2008 at 12:05 AM , Blogger Candy said...

See I already knew I like you....NOW I LIKE YOU LOTS AND LOTS...As you already know I share that number one passion....ADOPTION ROCKS

At February 9, 2008 at 6:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As her husband I can confirm she sings all the time and eats more chex mix than anyone I have ever known. Our family could be the spokespeople for the Chex brand.


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